Al 14-lea Simpozion European Dedicat Cercetării Suicidului şi Comportamentului Suicidar
03/09/2012 - 06/09/2012
Eveniment pe întreaga zi
Tel Aviv
Every year about 1,000,000 people globally and 30,000 in Europe (400 in Israel) will commit suicide. Started about 30 years ago by the leaders of psychiatry in Europe, the ESSSB14 has become the most important international meeting on suicide and depression in Europe. Researchers and clinicians from both Eastern and Western Europe and other countries gather together every two years to exchange new knowledge and experience in the field of suicidology.
The ESSSB14 is a tailored congress that takes an integrated approach to suicide prevention. Professionals in the field will enjoy a high-level scientific program covering the latest perspectives and developments in the different components of suicidology.
This unique suicide prevention conference promises to be a dynamic and educational event in the equally exciting surrounds of Tel Aviv-Jaffa with its distinctive cosmopolitan and energetic atmosphere.
For the first time ever, Israeli and Palestinian clinicians will join hands to challenge the phenomena of suicidal behavior under the umbrella of the European symposium. Palestinian colleagues have agreed to participate in both organizing and scientific local committees and to contribute from their knowledge and experience. The congress will take place in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, a symbol of integration for both Israelis and Arabs living together in peace for decades.
We plan to offer you a high-quality, multidisciplinary scientific program. This program will include the most important aspects of suicidal behavior as well as the latest achievements in this field.
Under the motto “Integration of different perspectives”, Congress highlights will include plenary presentations by outstanding European and international experts in this field.
Clinicians and researchers are encouraged to become actively involved in the exchange of knowledge and experience by contributing to the scientific program of our Congress.
Submit your proposals for abstracts before 1st May.
The scientific program will be composed of plenary lectures, symposia and workshops as well as social events for networking and fun.
We intend to develop an array of activities that will allow participants the opportunity to interact and network with colleagues from Europe and around the world.
A young researchers program will attempt to develop a group of future leaders in the field of suicidology.
We look forward to welcoming you to the beautiful city of Tel Aviv-Jaffa in 2012.
Comitet organizare: Prof. Alan Apter Dr. Gil Zalsman
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